Following the successful delivery of the Being Family film intervention, we are delighted to report that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) will support funding to expand access to other communities on the Thailand/ Myanmar border. Training for facilitators on leading audience discussions will take place in early September. Following training, 113 screenings are planned in three refugee border communities. In addition, a manuscript for the study is also under review for submission to the Lancet Regional Health.
The work of GPI Future Leaders in the Parenting on the Border team is also progressing well. Nway Nway Oo (Co-Investigator) and Stephanie (Research Manager and Co-Investigator) presented on the team’s fieldwork safety experiences from the Thailand/Myanmar Border at a GPI Fieldwork Safety and Wellbeing workshop on 30 July. In September, Khaing Zar Lwin (Research Manager and Co-Investigator) will defend her thesis. Stephanie will also present on the team’s trauma informed mental health PLH adaptation at the European Society for Prevention Research Conference (11-13 September, Italy). Finally, a Masters student Playful Parenting Scholar, based in Myanmar will join the team in August.